If the registration is not renewed within that calendar month, an application for a new DEA registration will be required. DEA allows the reinstatement of an expired registration for one calendar month after the expiration date.If a renewal application is submitted in a timely manner prior to expiration, the registrant may continue operations, authorized by the registration, beyond the expiration date until final action is taken on the application.All registrants should ensure that the email address listed on their registration is correct and active.Īt this time, DEA will otherwise retain its current policy and procedures with respect to renewal and reinstatement of registration. Instead, an electronic reminder to renew will be sent at 60, 45, 30, 15, and 5 days prior to the expiration date of the registration to the associated email address. Starting June 2020, DEA will no longer send renewal notifications by US Postal Service. REVISED ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING RENEWAL APPLICATIONS To ensure optimal experience the DEA recommends using Internet Explorer 9 or newer, Microsoft Edge, or the current versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari.

For security purposes we are no longer compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or earlier versions.Email Addresses are now required – Registrants must have a current and active email address listed on their registration in order to receive important information from the DEA, such as registration renewal notices.ALERT: Faxed-based phishing scams targeting Pharmacies.Effective SeptemWeb Browsers and Systems are now Required to Support TLS 1.2.Please note Registration Fee Increases Effective October 1, 2020.